Jamilla Balint
Architectural Acoustics | Research | Art
"Because of the reverberation, there’s always more to the sound than just the sound. Listen to everything all the time and remind yourself when you are not listening."
Pauline Oliveros, 2010
Upcoming vernissage at bagnopopolare in Baden/Aargau, CH: March 23, 3024! Together with Antonia Manhartsberer, we design the Reallabor "Thermal-Normal: Im Rhythmus des Gewöhnlichen". Stay tuned!
Visit bagnopopolare for more information!
I work in the intersection of acoustics, architecture, and design, creating environments where sound seamlessly integrates with spatial aesthetics. Collaborating closely with architects, we ensure that spaces are optimized for both auditory and visual experiences. Beyond my technical expertise, I try to design sustainable and cost-efficient solutions, considering not only the scientific aspects of sound propagation but also the artistic nuances that contribute to a holistic sensory experience.
Additionally, I present engaging lectures that interlace the world of acoustics, science, and art. By exploring the fields of interdisciplinary research, my presentations offer a hollistic perspective on the science of acoustics and perception.
I hold a Ph.D. in acoustics, but still wonder about the complexities of sound. My career is a mix of science, enginieering, and arts. Out in the urban nature I am constantly looking for the best flutter echo in town.
jamilla@mur.at ResearchGate LinkedIn Google scholar
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Photo credits: Lorenz Vogel, Clara Wildberger, Marko Stavric, Julian Jauk, Jamilla Balint
All projects have been carried out in collaboration with partners:
Rohde Acoustics, Prof. Milena Stavric (TU Graz), Elisabeth Harnik, TU Graz spsc, Barbara Edlinger, Rainer Binder-Krieglstein